Tuesday 7 September 2021

P4C Ponder Week 7



  1. If I went back three years I would say to focus on maths and get smarter and actually pay attention more and don't cause that much trouble.

    What would you say๐Ÿคท?

    Blog you later!

  2. Kia Ora,
    If I could go back three years and visit my younger self I would tell myself not to be lazy and help out my family in some house work. Now I am 11 years old I help my family do house work.

  3. I would tell them to learn harder work harder and never give up what would you say. Blog ya later!!!

  4. If I can go three years back and visit my Younger self I will give him some good advice and till him when you are on year 5 you will have the best teacher ever don't be lazy do a lot of math never give up.

  5. If I went back 3 years I would say work hard and dont give up and workharder.

  6. If i went back three years and I would say do not make trouble and be kind.

    Blog you later!

  7. I would tell my younger self to work hard and be more focused on school work. How old were you 3 years ago?
    Blog you later,

  8. Kia ora Room 23. If I traveled three years back to the past my advice would be to always believe in yourself and you can achieve anything that you set your mine on. Blog ya later!!!

  9. If I went back in time 3 years back in 2018 im going to tell my self tha covid and delta is comeing in 2020 and 2021. and also tell my self not to be lazy and clean my room and work harder on math

  10. If I could time travel 3 years and visit my younger self the advice I will give myself would be to help your parents, be a role model, please do your chores and dont be lazy. What would you say? blog ya later

  11. If I could travel back in three years I would tell my self to not be lazy and work more on my academics and help my mum with the house.

  12. If I could go back three years I would study more, spend more time on my homework and work as hard as I can so that I can become become smarter when I grow up again.

  13. If I can go back three years back when I was seven I would tell to never do your homework late or hand it in late or be lazy in your house hold and tell myself that I would have an Amazing teacher when I'm a Year 6!

  14. Kia Ora,
    If I could go back 3 years and visit my younger self I would say to not give up hope and appreciate everything you have.

  15. Malo e lelei, Ms Tuipulotu. If I went back 3 years, I would tell my younger self to focus more on school work and the future, rather than just thinking about what had already happened in the past.

    What would you say?
    Malo 'aupito!

  16. If I went three years back and visit my self I will help my parent and I will help my sister with her homework and also get smarter. Blog you later.

  17. If I could go back three years I would say to keep my head in the work and ask for help when I need it.

    if you could travel back three years what would you say to your younger self?.

  18. Kia ora Room 23. I like your thoughtful answers to this ponder. I think I would say something similar to Alofa but maybe even focus more on the present and not worry about the future as much.

  19. Malo e lelei Room Twenty-Three If I was to go back Tree years to visit my younger self. The advice I would give me self would be kind and listen and try not to make bad choices and hang out with people that can not make my grads.
