Tuesday 22 June 2021

Canterbury Quake Novel Ponder #8



  1. That a lot of people lost their homes and their friends and family. That their environment are all ruined. That they have to avoid cracks and to be careful because of all the deep cracks.

  2. Kia Ora I think the most devastating photo is the broken building its part are broken and because the part on the ground.

  3. The cement is so dry that it has lifted the car up and it looks like it won't go down onto it's wheel's. I wonder how the the kids walk to school because there is a giant crack.

  4. I can see broken houses and a car sinking down on liquefaction.I also notice three troopers sucking up water from the sea into fresh water and a narrow bridge twirling around the lake. ~ Balqees 😁

  5. The sixth picture of the street cracking is pretty scary. but the smart kids walking to the shop or walking to school or even walking to the dairy have fun by jumping over the crack, trying not to fall though the cracks.

  6. The house and the car is in the ground and you can see there and the kinds book shop are all on the ground and there is not good there is bad and I do not like there and look at the bridge and at the beach and there is people there at the beach working and look at the road it is all so and the house and there is a historical.

  7. I think that they should avoid dangerous cracks and dangerous sharp rocks on the ground and they also lost a lot of family member's and really close friends that they probably still miss to this day.

  8. I think the most devastating photo was were the two house because it is destroyed and the people who owned it have to get a new one. What would you do if this happens to your house? Blog you later!!!

  9. That a lot of people lost their homes and their friends,family and cousins. That their environment are all ruined from all the damaged from the earthquake. That they have to avoid cracks to go school and to be careful because of all the deep cracks hit other peoples houses🏘️.πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

  10. Some devastating effects of the earthquake was: Liquefaction, losing homes, cracks and holes.

  11. There are a lot of broken bridges, houses, cars, shops. In most of the photos theirs liquefaction and people.
    Blog you later,

  12. The second picture on the top right looks awful, it's walls have tumbled down, it has broken windows, the roof collapsed and many more damages have brought to that church.

  13. the structures are so old that it will crack and some parts will fall and some parts of the building will collapse 1 crack 2 parts will fall 3 buildings break

  14. Picture number 5 as you can see theirs a car stuck in liquefaction nearly upside down with the door open on the right side of the car. You can see that the car has been flooded with liquefaction inside and out and it's nearly filled up the whole car. At last I don't think they can pull it out again because it might be to heavy. Blog you later!

  15. The quake was so bad most people lost there homes and shops have been closed down. Because of it schools as well roads have been damaged people are avoiding the deep cracks.

  16. I think the one with a hole in its house because it comes in the house and it comes out of the house and it has a crack in the ground.

  17. i think that it is so scary because there are lots of big cracks in the ground and and homes are smash.

  18. Talofa Lava. Ms Tuipulotu I think that the Liquefaction was the worst cause not only the cars and buildings were sinking and breaking but people were too. and as the walls and buildings were tumbling peoples lives were lost. anyway that's what I think blog ya later.

  19. There's a car black half suck in the liquefaction, in a other picture there's a road with a giant crack.
