Thursday 10 December 2020

Would you rather .........? Ponder #8



  1. Best player in the team that always loses because if I lose then its fine because it's just a game. Would you be the best player in the team but always lose?.

  2. Best player in the team that always loses because if I lose then its fine because it's just a game. Would you be the best player in the team but always lose.

  3. I would choose the best player in the team that always loses because if I am the best that means I know what my team is looking for and I am a leader which makes me feel proud and also that I think that winning is just a part of success but leadership is the source of success.

  4. Kia Ora, I would be the worst player in the team that always loses because I can at least say that I did my best.

  5. I would rather be the best player on the team and our team lose because if our team keeps on losing then I could just go to a best club.

  6. I would rather be the Best player in the team that always loses because if we keep on losing it would not matter because it is just a game. What would you chose?

  7. I would rather be the worst player in the team that wins. So I could get better
    and the whole team will be a great team.

  8. I would rather be the worst player on a team that always wins because it's easier to help one person and even if you lose you still tried your best and you can get better and better if you try.

  9. I rather be the best player in a team that all way loses because if I loses it find because it just a game.

  10. I would be the worst player in the team that always wins because when I'm playing they will get shocked but it is just a game. Would you be the best player on the team or the worst player?

  11. Hello everyone! If I had to pick to be either one of them, I would pick to be the worst player.. Here's why ---> I'm not good at sport, it would be lovely to be the best player .I'm not interested in sports, So it's a win and lose.
    Cya! <|._.|>
    -Manogi I:

  12. I would rather be the worst player in the team because some times when people lose they sometime win.

  13. I would rather be the worst player and win every matches because I am not good at sport so it will be very amazing if I could win a sports match!

  14. Kia Ora everyone, I would rather be the worst player in the team that always win because I like to play sports and I will try my best to win the game.


  15. Best player in the team that always loses because if I lose then its fine because it's just a game. Would you be the best player in the team but always lose?.

  16. Kia ora everyone, Will be the best player and loses because it not all about winning and it fine if the team loses because we tried our best.

  17. I would rather be the best player on the team that always loses because each time we lose we still tried and no one will get mad at me for not trying to get a goal.

  18. I would be the worst player in the best team because I can get better versing people better than me so I can get to one of the highest ranks, it would be fun in addition.
    до свидания (do svidaniya or bye)

  19. I would rather be the worst player in a team that always wins because losing is better than nothing right? - And because I could just try my best and maybe I could turn into a better player!

