Thursday 17 September 2020

Treasure Hunters Ponder #9


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  1. A Grecian urn is very common in ancient Greece as they were used to store food, water, and wine in. Urns also held things like cosmetics, perfumes, and spices, or were used to transport things in.

  2. Kia Ora everyone. Grecian urns use to store food, water and wine. Urns also held things like cosmetics and spices or were used to transport things in.

  3. Kia Ora,Grecian Urn used for store food and water.

  4. A Grecian Urn is used to store food, water and other things like cosmetics, perfumes or to transport needed things.

  5. Kia Ora everyone. A Grecian urn is used to store food, water, cosmetics, perfumes and spices.

  6. A Grecian urn where pieces of art they where common in ancient Greece to store food,water and Grecian urns were used to hold cosmetics,perfumes and they were used to transport things.

  7. Grecian urns are pieces of art that were really useful and very beautiful. Grecian urns were used to carry food, water and wine in. Urns also held things like cosmetics, perfumes, and spices, or were used to transport things in too.

  8. Kia Ora, a Grecian Urn is were pieces of art that is useful also very beautiful. Grecian Urns were very common in ancient Greece because they were used to store food, water, wine and etc.

  9. Kia ora everyone. A beautiful creation of pottery, the Grecian urns, were very common in ancient Greece, they were used to store food, water, wine. And it also held things like: perfume, cosmetics and spices, or used to transport things in it.

    Blog you later!

  10. Grecian urn were pieces of amazing art that were useful and it's stores food, water and wine it also held things like cosmetics, spice and perfumes.

  11. I think a Grecian urns is something you can store food,water,perfumes, and spices, Grecian urns were pieces of art that were useful as well as beautiful. it looks like a pot.

  12. A Grecian urn is very common in ancient Greece as they were used to store food, water, and wine in. Urns also held things like cosmetics, perfumes, and spices.

  13. A Grecian urn is used for using water and putting food in there and it is a great art work.

  14. Kia ora, Urns were very common in ancient Greece as they were used to store food, water, and wine in. Urns also held things like cosmetics, perfumes, and spices, or were used to transport things in. Any old pot would serve these functions.

  15. Kia Ora Grecian urn were pieces of art that were useful as well as beautiful Urns. Urns were very common in ancient Greece as they were used to store food, water and wine. Urns also held things like cosmetics, perfumes, and spices, or were used to transport things

  16. Grecian urns was a poem published in 1820 by John Keats and the verse was talking about negative capability and it's a Greek Vase as well and it has figures that has been unknown for century's but just drawn and we still have yet to learn about them. people from greek in 1819 used it to hide and store essential's like water and food that they treasure and maybe even gold.
