Friday 24 July 2020

Treasure Hunters Ponders #1


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Talofa Lava. By my opinion, I think a Perfect storm is a perfect starting of a story, journey or an adventure. You can describe it in different ways by using emotions like, when you are happy about something happened to you on a normal day it will be a perfect storm for you (Perfect Day). When you are not having a good day it would be a Bad storm for you.
    Blog you later,

  3. a perfect storm is where when some thing bad happens or something dangerous happens, the storm is there to give a melancholy theme or a creepier one like lets say your dad died and then there's a storm.

  4. what I think a perfect storm mean is that a storm is really gentle and it has clouds, windy and a little bit of thunder so that is my opinion and yeah blog you later
