Friday 26 June 2020

Sound Ponder #2


  1. Headphones because when I'm listening to relaxing music on my headphones and on my highest volume, I can't hear a single thing.
    Blog you later,

  2. Talofa Lava. My name is Asfan. By my memory, the loudest sound I have heard is a Lion roaring just 2 metres away from me, that scared me and my ears were getting destroyed when I heard him roaring from that day. I have never went so close to a Lion. Check out My Blog
    Blog you later,

  3. Bonjour. My name is Alofa. The loudest sound that I've ever heard was probably people talking over eachother. I remember that ounce, I went to the supermarket with my mum and there was a lot of people talking over each other and it sounded like we were at the beach. What was the loudest thing that you have ever heard?
    Check out my blog.Alofa's Blog
    Blog you later!
