Sunday 11 August 2019

Cook Island Language Week 2019

Last Wednesday, Room 23 welcomed Philominna and Elizabeth Akaruru to our class to share their stories and songs with us.


We sang the Cook Island National Anthem with Room 20 and Mrs Faleva'ai. Philomina and Elizabeth Akaruru comes from Aitutaki and Pukapuka. They sang 3 songs for us and then Philominna shared some words of encouragement, she said to always show respect, work hard and to never give up. Thank you Philominna, Elizabeth and Caroline for coming to visit us. We really enjoyed your visit.


  1. Great learning Room 23! I like how Philominna's words of encouragement match our school values, Manaakitanga and Manawanuitanga).

  2. Hello my name Is Hazel and im in Room 24 it looks like you had a wonderful time listening to the national anthem of cook island
    blog you later

  3. Kia orana Room 23, it looks like you had a great time learning about songs and books from the Cook Islands. We were lucky enough to hear some of the music and singing next door to you. Thanks for sharing your learning.
    Blog you later,
    Room 24
