Tuesday 23 February 2021

Get to know you Ponder 4



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  4. Hi, The 2 pets that I would really like is: A chick because a chick is cuddly and when the chick grows it will be a chicken. When the chick is a chicken it will be able to lay some eggs for breakfast. The second pet that I really want is: A dog because if I have a dog I will not be bored at home anymore,and dogs are very funny! Also you can teach them tricks!

  5. Malo e lelei, Ms Tuipulotu.

    I don't have a pet at home but I would choose to get a German Shepherd because if when my family gets attacked or maybe robbed, I could teach my German Shepherd to protect my family and myself.

  6. I have two pets at my step dads house and their names are Muffin and Boyka and I like Muffin because she is very cute and playful and if I'm going inside she'll be at the front door wanting me to let her in, and I like Boyka because he likes playing games with me and he is very fury for me to pat him and when I give him his food and I touch him, he'll start growling. Muffins is nine years old and Boyka is ten years old

  7. If i had a pet it would be a bulldog because It is a muscular and hefty dog with a wrinkled face and a distinctive pushed-in nose.

  8. I only have 1 rabbit and his name is fluffy. He does not sleep inside. He also sleeps outside in his cage. He has one side that he sits in and one that he sleeps in. He is very chubby and fluffy that is why his name is fluffy.

  9. I don't have any pets but I would like a Husky. The reason why I want a Husky because it can guard my house and I would have a pet Hamster because I like how small and cute.

  10. I have a dog that is a girl. Her name is CC and she is a Pitbull. CC is 15 weeks old and is a medium sized dog. CC loves leftovers and her dog milk and is very joyful, playful, happy and full of energy.

  11. If I had a pet, I would want a dog because I would always play around, take it for a walk And even feed it's favorite food and even Go everywhere and buy his favourite toys and bed and his name would be Matt.

  12. Hi my name is Aymen.I have 15 fish 10 of them died one of the have 3 tails.Two from the side at the back the third one in the middle at the back.

  13. Talofa lava Miss Tuipulotu. I have six pets and their names are Snowball, Lunar, Socks, Patches, Fat chops and Skinny chops. Snowball is my rabbit she is big white and has red eyes. Lunar is my cat she is a mother of four kittens and is grey and white. My four kittens Fat chops Skinny chops Patches and socks. patches is the only girl and the rest of them are boys. They are all are grey big white and they love chicken.

  14. I have 5 cat's and they are called Lucky,Smoky,Gingin,Tipsy and Blacky. I used to have a dog called Kodi he got put down cause his leg was broken. I used to have 2 pet fish and they died from old age . I used to have a cat called tabbie she died from old age too.


  15. Hi,my name is Castiel and I have 1 dog. His name is Zion,he likes to play with his toys sometimes he chews on the toy and wrecks it.When i come back to my house he looks at me and then he follows me around like a bodyguard sometimes he'll sit on my command. I remember the first time i held him, he was very little i would've been about 6 I remember I came by a house they were selling little puppy's and he ran out barked at me I was very scared at him because he was barking like crazy then we came to the backyard where I sat on a chair then the woman put Zion on me. Zion was climbing me biting me but soon he would get used to me and cuddled me and that's where we left off.

  16. I would have a German shepherd so I can train him to be stronger and take him for a walk everyday so he can get fit and I would name him Sam.

  17. Hi my name is Arshad and we are talking about my rabbit. She is a girl and she have two baby rabbit. One is a boy and one is girl and they are cute and I have a cat too. He is a boy and the cat like the rabbit and the cat do not like the baby Rabbit.

  18. I have two Cats and one Dog. My Cat shadow is a black and white Cat. His body is black and his paws are white. He likes to rest on black pillows and my other Cat Loki is a full gray cat with a scar on her eye. She likes to rest on the beds. My dog Zion, he likes to look at others when they eat and he likes to play with chew toys but he breaks all his chew toys. My pets live at my aunt Nelly's house.

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  20. Kia Ora. I have a pet Dog. Her name is Snuggle and she like's running around and likes to be so fit. I love it when we always take her for a walk. She loves me and I love playing ball with her.

  21. Kia ora. I have 1 rabbit name Rose and she's 3 years old. She was born in 2019. We found her at a pet shop and they said shes from Japan. We give her baths every afternoon and night. She likes hopping and sleeping.

  22. Hello my name is Arianna and I have a pet dog in Tonga and his name is Tupou and he like to eat fish and chicken. He likes to run and like to play tag.

  23. Hi Ms Tuipulotu, I have a pet fish but one is lazy and sick and funny. and I have tetras and Glass catfish and Siamese fighting fish is also called Bettafish. I have 2. one is a female, one is a male Betta fish The male is lazy and sick.and funny he is sick because he has fin rot. Frances

  24. Hello my name is Balqees and I would like to have a pet. I would want it to be a fox but they are really hard to get and why a fox? They are cute but sometimes they can be a little bit messy, other than a fox. I want a Shiba inu which is a orange dog and the fur is really soft fluffy and fun same as a cat too. Thanks for reading my story.

  25. I have no pet but if I had a pet it will be a Hamster, why? because it has some
    energy to its body and get fit.

  26. Morena Ms tuipulotu,
    I have a bunny and his name is Oreo. he is realy fluffy and cute. I got him for my birth day! If i did not get him i wold realy like a hamster beacause they are so cute and small and also the eat only vegtebales so you dont have to spend money on hamser palets.
